January 2023

Notice: Auntie PhiPhi's will take a pause in the Winter/Spring of 2023. I have loved every minute of this venture to create high quality, good tasting gluten free and keto foods over the past year and a half. However, given the current economic situation where the cost of doing business has increased exponentially, I must make the difficult decision to place the bakery on hold. I will re-assess at a later date.

Thank you to all the amazing customers, businesses, friends, and family who have supported me along the way. It has meant so much to me to see the sparkle on people's faces when they sample my food at a market, or to receive a random note or a call to thank me, or for the loyal people who come back for more!

I hope the Dancing Woman logo inspires you, as she has me, to find joy in all things. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

An update from Auntie PhiPhi